{{Payloads.UserEmail}} has been removed from the email list.

You’ll be missed.

You will no longer receive emails from . Please allow up to 10 business days for this process to be completed.

If you should need to contact Sanofi US about the status of this opt-out request, please refer to (confirmation number {{Payloads.ConfirmationCode}}). This will help us to respond to your question quickly.

To unsubscribe from all Sanofi US email communications, Click here.

To manage other Sanofi US communication preferences, Click here.

{{Payloads.UserEmail}} has been unsubscribed from all Sanofi US email communications.

You’ll be missed.

You have been unsubscribed from all Sanofi US email communications. Please allow up to 10 business days for this process to be completed.

If you should need to contact Sanofi US about the status of this opt-out request, please refer to (confirmation number {{Payloads.ConfirmationCode}}). This will help us to respond to your question quickly.

To manage other Sanofi US communication preferences, Click here.

Parameter Parameter value Is Encrypted Decrypted value Is valid Validation errors
{{x.ParameterName}} {{x.ParameterValue}} {{x.IsEncrypted}} {{x.DecryptedValue}} {{x.IsValid}} {{x.InvalidReason}} {{x.InvalidReason}} {{x.InvalidReason}}

Result :
